Brandon - Umbrella Crested Cockatoo
I am the current owner of a beautiful Umbrella Crested Cockatoo that i unfortunately need to re-home due to developing and allergy to the powder on her feathers. Her name is Brandon, yes, Brandon....all the paperwork I got for her said male, not female, that was until she laid an egg ;-) She was born in 1993 and is now in mid life - the average life of one of these birds is approx 60 years. unfortunately neither of my kids can take her, as my daughter is also allergic and my son doesn't have the room.
she has a great 36x36x 48 high grecian style cage along with numerous toys and perches.
so I am asking that anyone who is able to adopt her to please contact me. I have tried numerous adoption groups and none are currently able to take her.
I can be reached at

- Offered by: Owner
- Ad Type: Offering
pets | birds for rehoming